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Re: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Campaign Boatride...

At 11:54 PM 7/5/99 -0400, Mark wrote:
>> Dan, not voting.
>I'm really excited that this time we will finally have a choice.  I've
>voted in three (3) (III) presidential elections and felt like I was
>choosing between bad and worse (I also never voted for a candidate who
>won--but I consider that to be my own good judgment!)

I voted my first year that I could, but have not been back since.  Well,
actually, I think my mom made me vote in the local one my freshman year in
college (which was stupid, because I didn't know the candidates/views/etc).
 I don't mean to knock those that do vote.  I'm not trying to say that
you're wrong if you vote, or wrong if you don't.  I'm just saying that it
seems pointless *for me* to vote, which is why I don't.

*If* I were to vote, it'd probably be for George Jr.

My problem is that I'm liberal and conservative (depending on the issue or
day of the week).  No one candidate ever does it for me, and personally-
I'll be just fine with whomever is chosen.  It really doesn't make a lick
of difference to me.  My life will function fairly similar whatever the

I think I look at politics and sports in similar light.  They don't do much
for me, and I really don't care for them much- but it's fun to watch the
"players" squabble at silly things.

Dan, still not voting.  :)

NP: Joe Satriani - Joe Satriani

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
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