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Re: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Campaign Boatride...

>(I also never voted for a candidate who
>won--but I consider that to be my own good judgment!)

huh, what kind of twisted logic led to that statement?  because everyone one
you voted for lost, you must have good judgement??????

>Elizabeth Doyle possesses all the qualities of a leader and then some.
>she is selfless, sharp, and quite capable of leading the U.S. into the
>new millennium.

selfless?  please, don't make me laugh,  a selfless politician, that'll be
the day.  its more like she pretends to be sharp, selfless, and capable,
while in the meantime, she is not quite the sharpest tool in the shed (she
married bob dole, the male impotency poster boy, enough said), and i am sure
she is just as self-serving, and incompetent as anyone else, and not to
mention suffering from severe case of meglomania (a prerequisite condition
to be a politician)  and from what i can see, she couldn't lead a troop of
boyscouts to their favorate crackhouse.    (monthly camping trips indeed)

>Forget that she's female, forget that she's Bob Doyle's
>wife--in fact forget all that stuff about Bob Doyle.

how  can i?  trying but not quite suceeding.  she is married to bob dole,
yuck, :)  mr prune himself.  she is either the most sexually frustrated
woman alive (which means i don't want her anywhere near the nuclear launch
codes, or even a loaded water pistol for that matter)  or she is fucking
every other male aide that walks thru her door.

>Just remember that  Mrs. Doyle represents the first real choice America has
had in a
>presidential candidate in quite a few years.

yeah, my first choice to NOT VOTE.  America had a choice every year,   we
could have elected your three legged neighborhood prostitue named Dietra by
now if we really wanted to, but we like the current corrupt system where
nothing gets done and we elect the less of all evils, what's wrong with

>I'm actually so pumped about her candidacy that I can gush about it to a
>bunch of people who will inevitably disagree with me (not you guys).

no, not at all, i think you are entirely correct and lucid.  hah!

>And please, if you don't agree with her stance on the issues, then FIND
>somebody you do agree with, research everything pertinent about their
>character, morals, and past performance history and then support them.
>Which means at the very least, VOTE!

are you that naive or just stupid?  research politician's character and
morals?  i guess we are back to the less of two or three or four evils

