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Re: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Campaign Boatride...

From: "Devout Seeker of Fluff" <howe.38 at osu_edu>

> >(I also never voted for a candidate who
> >won--but I consider that to be my own good judgment!)
>huh, what kind of twisted logic led to that statement?  because everyone 
>you voted for lost, you must have good judgement??????

Everyone thinks they have good judgement based on who they vote for, whether 
they win or lose.   It's almost like it really matters who you vote for, or 
whether you vote at all.

> >Elizabeth Doyle possesses all the qualities of a leader and then some.
> >she is selfless, sharp, and quite capable of leading the U.S. into the
> >new millennium.
>selfless?  please, don't make me laugh,  a selfless politician, that'll be
>the day.  its more like she pretends to be sharp, selfless, and capable,

I'm afraid I'm with Kyle on this one.  If this does occur, Pink Floyd will 
tour again, and they won't need *inflatable* pigs for the stage show.   And 
I'll make my fortune selling SPACE HEATERS in HELL.

>while in the meantime, she is not quite the sharpest tool in the shed (she
>married bob dole, the male impotency poster boy, enough said), and i am 
>she is just as self-serving, and incompetent as anyone else, and not to
>mention suffering from severe case of meglomania (a prerequisite condition
>to be a politician)  and from what i can see, she couldn't lead a troop of
>boyscouts to their favorate crackhouse.    (monthly camping trips indeed)

I'm not sure why you keep harping on the impotency thing, Kyle.  Something 
you're not telling us?

I learned in Sociology 367.01 with Dr. Newman that the purpose of 
politicians in a bipartisan system is That they're supposed to be 

And if you can diagram that sentence, you're a better man than I.

> >Forget that she's female, forget that she's Bob Doyle's
> >wife--in fact forget all that stuff about Bob Doyle.
>how  can i?  trying but not quite suceeding.  she is married to bob dole,
>yuck, :)  mr prune himself.  she is either the most sexually frustrated
>woman alive (which means i don't want her anywhere near the nuclear launch
>codes, or even a loaded water pistol for that matter)  or she is fucking
>every other male aide that walks thru her door.

"Wouldn't it be better if wars could fought by the assholes that started 

> >Just remember that  Mrs. Doyle represents the first real choice America 
>had in a
> >presidential candidate in quite a few years.
>yeah, my first choice to NOT VOTE.  America had a choice every year,   we
>could have elected your three legged neighborhood prostitue named Dietra by
>now if we really wanted to, but we like the current corrupt system where
>nothing gets done and we elect the less of all evils, what's wrong with

It's *life* in The US of fucking A, d00d.  I think we need 6 or 7 major 
parties like France, and then we can elect socialists.  I know I would.  I'm 
sure I could weasel myself into myself into the elite caste if we mutated 
the USA into a sort of pseudo-representative represtentational oligarchy.  I 
could be a cross between O'Brien and Ellsworth Toohey.

>are you that naive or just stupid?  research politician's character and
>morals?  i guess we are back to the less of two or three or four evils

Well, it's time to announce my candidacy for president with Kyle as my 
running mate!

I have very few morals - that saves your research time.

My platform:
-Eliminate welfare right away.  Give those currently on welfare 6 months to 
find a job.
-Initiate a plan to eliminate Social Security within 20 years.  This means 
no new benefits paid out, and one generation of workers paying in to slough 
off those currently getting benefits who haven't died yet.
-Eliminate just about every other social welfare program, and use those 
funds to eradicate the governmental debt.
-Freeze military spending for 5 years.
-keep US troops out of bullshit propaganda overseas conflicts that have 
nothing to do with us (i.e. Haiti, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo)
-Run the government fiscally like a business - how many business would be 
able to operate at a loss as long as Uncle Sugar has?
-People convicted of death penalty crimes (in their state) will be executed 
after one appeal - max time 2 years, then ZAP.
-Actually, I'll institute a federal death penalty - and include rapists, 
child molestors, and other algae that needs scraped out of the gene pool.
-I'll figure out a way to introduce contraceptives into the water supply, 
and families who want children can apply for a permit that will provide the 
-Once the books are balanced, subsidize schools, libraries, internet access, 
and the fine arts to promote learning and cultural growth.

Umm...anything else that I think of between now and then.

I'll probably abolish congress, too.


$2.50, same as in town.

np: Frank Zappa _Sheik Yerbouti_

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