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Re: Carman

Jeff wrote:
>His lyrics, at least the ones I'm
>familiar with, simplify the Christian faith and
>provide easy answers to life's problems.
And what's wrong with that?  Doesn't Jesus say that it takes the simple faith of a child?
And then PCG wrote:
>In Carman's
>case, it's a Saturday-morning-cartoon version of Christianity that is
>designed to get them hyped up, but will ultimately leave them disillusioned.
And you're basing this on the assumption that Carman fans will follow the christian and not the Christ?  It seems that you underestimate the *power* of Christ.  Didn't he say that no message sent in his name would fall into the void?  There is no perfect messenger.
>But it's generally accepted (by most people who care to think about it) that
>art should not be manufactured to appeal to the lowest common denominator
Brittney Spears?  Nsync? 
><g> The same
>might be said about those lunatics who rave about, oh, I dunno, Duran Duran.
um, Ysobelle will now enter the thread--pointy boots and corset in place.  :)
>his version of Christianity is a blow to the realities that Jesus preached.
Enlighten me.
>People like Carman simply
>because he makes them feel good about themselves.
Norman Vincent Peale said that we have two choices every day--"to feel good about ourselves or to feel lousy.  Why would anyone choose the latter?"



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