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Re: Carman

> >His lyrics, at least the ones I'm
> >familiar with, simplify the Christian faith and
> >provide easy answers to life's problems.
> And what's wrong with that?  Doesn't Jesus say that
> it takes the simple faith of a child?

i think the point might be that most of the answers
aren't so easy...that carman could be packaging it
into a lie and hence...

> >his version of Christianity is a blow to the
> realities that Jesus preached.

c'est bon? (for your frenchies, is that right?)

> And you're basing this on the assumption that Carman
> fans will follow the christian and not the Christ? 
> It seems that you underestimate the *power* of
> Christ.  Didn't he say that no message sent in his
> name would fall into the void?  There is no perfect
> messenger.

that doesn't mean we don't care about being and
following christian models/guides.  i think a lot of
christians take predigious care in doing so.  we might
be looking at the issue of discipleship here instead
of the overall submission of will to jesus (the touch
and place of _perfection_).  anyone who's helped a
younger christian along hopefully takes it seriously
and fears god accordingly :)  and so when we see what
seems to compromise that responsibility in figures so
self-indulgently public, it calls for a wincing of

also, the point that god is faithful and able to help
those who are "deceived" is important to address--that
ultimately it's christ who has the power.  i believe
he's sovereign.  but i also believe he allows us to
fail and allows others to fail us.  sometimes it's a
point of growth and/or discipline.  so, with great
faith in god's sovereignty, i could reasonably believe
that god lets carmen mess up and allows the effects to
be felt by so-called innocent people.

> >But it's generally accepted (by most people who
> care to think about it) that
> >art should not be manufactured to appeal to the
> lowest common denominator
> Brittney Spears?  Nsync? 

<touching nose with pointer finger and extending the
other>.  well, yeah :)  i don't know that anyone wants
to revisit the discussion of what qualifies something
as "art," but yeah, anyway...

> >People like Carman simply
> >because he makes them feel good about themselves.
> Norman Vincent Peale said that we have two choices
> every day--"to feel good about ourselves or to feel
> lousy.  Why would anyone choose the latter?"

so we'd choose carman (which as an influence could do
us harm) in order to manipulate something as
unreliable as feelings?  it's been my understanding
that we do _not_ base truth and faith issues on
feelings.  if so, they change all the time and are
subject to a wide range of bodily fluids.

swimming upstream,
j. marie

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