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Re: New OtR site suggestions...

At 10:05 AM 5/17/99 -0400, Dave Cousineau wrote:
>However, a good designer can make a graphic file so small that it 
>downloads almost as quickly as text.

erroneous thought pattern.  MOST web designers are *not* good designers.
'nuff said...

>Use of graphics is the only way to ensure that everyone
>is seeing the same thing.

perhaps... but i'm still holding to what i said earlier. :)

>As far as frames go, I can't believe that there's anyone *not* using a
>frames-capable browser.

that not the issue.  the issue (to me), is that frames suck (for the most
part).  why not put a small text menu on every page?  same ease of travel,
and not all of the crap of frames to go along with it...

frames suck.  they suck.  they glow boats, dude.

but that's just my opinion on them. :)


NP: Ben Folds Five - Air

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
    dantemm at erinet_com    http://www.dlm.net/gc/
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    "Fetch me the Pongmaster!" - Ozric Tentacles      
+-                    AFTERSWISH                  -+ 

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