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New OtR site suggestions...

The one guy who posted this, wrote:
> 3. Do you know of other band sites that are especially well done?

yeah... the Galactic Cowboys' got a pretty decent site... :)

                            [also at http://no-really.usuck.com/ ]

Heck, I even got a compliment from Chris Emery on it:
      "Not bad...for Notepad."
I'll take that as a compliment, even it wasn't supposed to be one...

My suggestions for the new OtR site:

  1. Don't make it too high-tech.  Tends to clog up things and make it
longer to load, etc.  Less heavy graphics, more text.  There's a lot of
cool things that can be done with smaller graphics and different colored
text and backgrounds.  Or maybe do two different versions - HiFi/LoFi or
Frames/ NoFrames, etc...

  2. Updates are important.  The more you update it, the more people will
be inclined to visit it more often.  IE- if you don't update it much,
people will gradually figure it out, and not click on that bookmark as
much.  'Tis why I'm quite pissed off at two certain of my bookmarks -
Downset & Saviour Machine.  Both updated by the band, but not for around 9
months since the last update.

  3. Um... chords, tab is a good idea, if the band is cool with that.

  4. LYRICS for Moth.  Period.


NP: Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals

+- Dan Temmesfeld     Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
    dantemm at erinet_com    http://www.dlm.net/gc/
   - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 
    "Fetch me the Pongmaster!" - Ozric Tentacles      
+-                    AFTERSWISH                  -+ 
