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Re: Live

I'm not sure what this has to do with OtR, but whatever...Live is a great 
band, OtR is a great band.  I also think Rush, Nine Inch Nails, and Cheap 
Trick are great bands.  It has nothing to do with beliefs or religion or 
any of that.  I've never bought into the whole religion thing.  I'm just in 
it for the music, and I try to keep my mind open to as many different 
styles and sounds as possible.  The only thing that matters is how good the 
music is.  Obviously, when people like Eminem say things to encourage abuse 
of women and violence, that is a completely different matter, but I don't 
think Live or any other rock band has done anything that should warrant 
anyone not buying their records just because of what the lead singer 
thinks.  I can see being turned off by some of that stuff, but not to the 
point of not buying something if i still liked the music.  I am really 
turned off by just the blatant religious stuff, I just find it annoying, I 
don't think blatant religious references and rock music go very well 
together, but if any of those bands like Creed or christian rock bands or 
something came out with a really great, new sound or wrote really good 
pieces of music, I'd probably still go for it and just try to get past the 

-Steve C.

>Hmmm...my ten shekel's worth.
>I like Live.  THanks to Dan I've been singing
>"Rattlesnake" to myself and others for two days now.
>I made a decision some time ago that I could listen
>to, even buy, music that was informed by a worldview
>different than my own.  (For Pete's sake, I'd have
>squat if I didn't.)  I just won't support things that
>are blatanly "occultic", explicitly sexual, or pure
>propoganda (unless the music's really good).
>As far as Matt's words, I have no problem with them.
>He acknowledged their music and was careful not to
>come across all "you guys shouldn't listen to them".
>He was just saying that he couldn't support them and
>shared with us why.  Just sharing...I have no problem
>with that.  Isn't that what this is all about?
>I also like Prince.
>Screw the whales.
>Save the subjunctive!
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