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Re: Live

Hmmm...my ten shekel's worth.

I like Live.  THanks to Dan I've been singing
"Rattlesnake" to myself and others for two days now.

I made a decision some time ago that I could listen
to, even buy, music that was informed by a worldview
different than my own.  (For Pete's sake, I'd have
squat if I didn't.)  I just won't support things that
are blatanly "occultic", explicitly sexual, or pure
propoganda (unless the music's really good).  

As far as Matt's words, I have no problem with them. 
He acknowledged their music and was careful not to
come across all "you guys shouldn't listen to them". 
He was just saying that he couldn't support them and
shared with us why.  Just sharing...I have no problem
with that.  Isn't that what this is all about?

I also like Prince.


Screw the whales.  
Save the subjunctive!

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