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Re: Underground vs. Not-underground

On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 09:34:14 -0400 Dan Temmesfeld <dantemm at erinet_com>
>Regarding Caedmon's Call...
>This brings up another topic...
>What are people's big fascination with indie/underground musicians, 
>then when they somewhat "make it big" suddenly they don't like them 
>    Love music for music's sake.  Not for it's level of obscurity.
>I don't have a problem with someone not liking a group, but to have
>"they're more well known now" as an excuse is kinda lame... Not a 
>just a pet-peeve of mine...  :)

It's a vicious form of musical snobbery, but I bet we're all guilty of it
to some extent.  But, as Marie and others state, the disappointment with
bands who finally "make it" has to do mostly with how the music too often
suffers.  Hasn't that been a point of discussion even with OTR?  
As much as I might be guilty of musical snobbery from time to time, I am
also the occassional sucker for pop drivel - when it's good.  Yes, I
bought Ricky Martin.  SHAKE YOUR BON-BON!
