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Re: New OtR site suggestions...

"Dave Cousineau" <davec at pads_com> sez:
>"High-tech" and "longer to load" don't necessarily have to mean the same
>thing. A good site will have a decent amount of graphics, since you just
>can't get the same "artistic" effect with text. However, a good designer
>can make a graphic file so small that it downloads almost as quickly as
>text. It's hard to substitute different fonts than the standard "Times"
>(yuck) or "Arial" because not everyone has the same fonts installed oon
>their computer. Use of graphics is the only way to ensure that everyone
>is seeing the same thing.

A good solution is to use Flash, which does cool animation stuff, and
doesn't have a lot of overhead.  It tends to load quickly, even over a

Man, I just realized it's been such a long time since I used a modem.

>As far as frames go, I can't believe that there's anyone *not* using a
>frames-capable browser. I can take or leave frames as a navagational
>tool, but speed-wise, a site using frames for navigation can actually be
>faster than one without.

Frames are evil.   (NOTE TO ERIC SCHUMACHER:  Pop-up windows are E-VIL,

Most web designers don't have a fuckin' clue how to properly use frames, so
I say just forget 'em.   For example, OTS (my current employer) is an
authorized Kronos dealer (www.kronos.com).  There's a part of their
internal site that is frames-based.  And once you've navigated to
somewhere, and want to get back to the front page, you click on 'home', and
it takes you back to the framed front page, INSIDE the OLD frame.   If I'm
on a site with frames, I usually do a right-click and 'Open in new window'
just to break out of them.
NP: Tears For Fears - _The Hurting_
http://mygod.usuck.com - Updated, but still no real content!
cemery at columbus_rr.com - ICQ: 1388556

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