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Re: Star Wars... It's not the hype

>>I must say I have very little desire to see "Phantom Menace," unless 
>>it be at home, where I can mock its (likely) stupidity. 

>That's what Jackie Chan's old Hong Kong flicks are for.

>Let's hear it for 'Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu'!

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa Jackie!!!!

>>2.) Obsession with the "blockbuster"

>This goes back to the early 70's with star-studded casts in movies like
'The Godfather' and 'Apocalypse Now'.

Can't we go back even furthur here to movies like _Ben Hur_ or _Giant_ or _Gone with the Wind_ or _Cleopatra_or _Casablanca_or, or, or????

np: Ani Difranco_Little Plastic Castle_