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Re: When Straight Bars go Gay. And Vice Versa

Chris Emery wrote:

> JLuvzMusyk at aol_com sez:
> >by the way, i took a 1000 question purity test, and came up 56.9% pure.  my
> >brother was 97.2%.  i guess i really *am* the *bad* child, eh?
> I stopped doing those once I started regularly scored below 35.

I was really just writing this becuase I have seen this topic come up a few
times and I have never (to my knowledge) ever seen one. I was wondering if
someone had one on some computer somewhere that they could send to me. I am very
interested to see how I do. ;-)

you know, one funny thing I learned when I went to get a job at a supermarket
and they made you take one of those honesty tests (don't know waht they are
called) if you are truly an honest person (like 100%) you have to lie on a
couple of questions becuase the test never beleives anyone is that honest so
they think you have cheated somehow. ;-) some honesty test, huh?

