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Re: songwriters and geography trivia

In a message dated 12/30/98 12:13:36 PM Central Standard Time, OncleBoo

> I have no problem whatsoever with holding someone accountable for what they 
> say and/or do, but I do draw the line at condemning the Dobsons of the world
> for the actions of people unrelated to them.

yeah, i agree with you there.  it's not like dobson said "someone should kill
those homosexuals" or anything.  but he does add to the already homophobic
climate present in the nation by publically broadcasting narrow-minded
viewpoints about the issue and attributing them to god.  he has every right to
do that, but i just think he should be careful.  i mean, there are plenty of
other sins (adultery, for example) mentioned in the bible that FOTF does not
condone, but does not feel the need to picket or things like that.  and if
they did, i don't know that it would be too big of a problem because there is
not an already-present "adulteraphobic" climate out there.  
but for issues like homosexuality and abortion where it's already so
it's fine for dobson to tell the world his views, but "if he's gonna come
around here and say those sort of things he's gotta take a few on the
chin...and wear his thickest skin..." (VOL)

>  Now, having said all that, can we at least take this discussion off-list?
> m sure most other listies don't really care what either of us think about 
> this matter.

according to the messages i have gotten publically and privately, a lot of
people care what we think about this issue.  i agree that its place is not on
the otr list, but neither is talk of christianity, liquid beef, or other
assorted stuff that i have bitched about.  (it didn't stop then either!!!) so
i figure, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!  (which is why i have posted this
to the list)
