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Re: In Defense of GDBD

DustyVolume <marquis at icx_net> sez:
>Laughing as he ran out of temporal breath, CHRIS said:

Markus, markus, markus...   *shakes head*

>> Sometimes I think it [GDBD] tries a little too hard to be emotional and
>> vulnerable.  It comes dangerously close to self-parody at times, at
>> least in my mind.
>WHAT!?!?/  Blasphemy from Mr.Emery????!  For this you shall be

Care to elaborate?   The blasphemy, not the punishment.

>You will be forced to listen to The Human League and Joan
>Jett until you cry for forgiveness--and then we may just throw in some
>Rockwell for our pleasure.  Haa Haaa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa ha ha

Umm...I *like* Human League.

>And then, letting go the last of his hate, he sighed:

Hate?   *What* hate?

>> Low budget production often lowers people's opinions of TWHF -
>What?? What low budget production?  So what if they saved some money on
>the recording... I personally think hearing a few doors creaking or some
>background noise only adds depth to a recording.  

Same here, and I wouldn't trade the production for anything at this
point.    I was merely pointing out some of the criticism I've heard
of it in the past.

>Haven't you ever heard "the typewriter tapes" from Janis Joplin??   Purely etheral!!   BUT!!!

'Fraid I haven't.   

>It's too late for you.  Your little insurrection party is over big
>boy!!   Brace yourself for Rockwell *and* That horrible Barbara
>Streisand/Bryan Adams duet!!! EEEchhhh!! That's enough to make Bryan's
>atty father cry!!

Are you OK?   Forget your Ritalin?

>> so when you scratched the surface of a song, you found layers and layers, like
>> an onion. 
>um... never mind.  (shakes head)  :o)

So...gonna discuss the point, or just let it go?    GIRLIE-MAN!

>BTW,  TWHF rocks!! *and* soothes....


NP: Crystal Method _Vegas_

ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
Floyd Code: v1.2a r+d>s TW 0/0/ FD 1- 0 Meddle 3 0 29.8% <16oct98>

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