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Re: In Defense of GDBD

Laughing as he ran out of temporal breath, CHRIS said:

> Sometimes I think it [GDBD] tries a little too hard to be emotional and
> vulnerable.  It comes dangerously close to self-parody at times, at
> least in my mind.

WHAT!?!?/  Blasphemy from Mr.Emery????!  For this you shall be
punished.  You will be forced to listen to The Human League and Joan
Jett until you cry for forgiveness--and then we may just throw in some
Rockwell for our pleasure.  Haa Haaa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa ha ha

And then, letting go the last of his hate, he sighed:

> Low budget production often lowers people's opinions of TWHF -

What?? What low budget production?  So what if they saved some money on
the recording... I personally think hearing a few doors creaking or some
background noise only adds depth to a recording.  Haven't you ever heard
"the typewriter tapes" from Janis Joplin??   Purely etheral!!   BUT!!!
It's too late for you.  Your little insurrection party is over big
boy!!   Brace yourself for Rockwell *and* That horrible Barbara
Streisand/Bryan Adams duet!!! EEEchhhh!! That's enough to make Bryan's
atty father cry!!

> so when
> you scratched the surface of a song, you found layers and layers, like
> an onion. 

um... never mind.  (shakes head)  :o)

BTW,  TWHF rocks!! *and* soothes....


Carry on list... :)


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