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for lack of something else to...talk about

as I signed off my last missive, I realized that it
would have been more in charicter for me to have said

"more out of duty than pleasure,"


ps: (but out of pleasure, nonetheless)

I've found myself borrowing this phrase in casual,
daily use. most typically, I use it when I make my
morning to-do list...two margins, "duties"

I know I have ingrained other otr word pairings and
phrases in my vocab, but nothing else comes
immediately to mine.

what other phrases from otr songs do you guys find
yourselves quoting in casual conversation? in your

also, it's struck me more than once that our eloquent
duo often has phrases about speechlessness and the
inappropriateness of words in their songs. 

for instance:

"I just don't have much left to say,"
--latter days, gdbd

"murder's just a game, for lack of something else to
--murder, besides

"I am typically skeptical of all that I have said,"
--"the world can wait", films for radio

"haven't I said enough? Haven't I said far too much?"
--"the world can wait," films for radio

"what are we mumbling for? what are we tumbling
--"toledo, ohio" cutting room floor

"it leaves us at a loss for words"
--"faithfully dangerous", gdbd.

I know there are others. which phrases?

out of words for now...

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