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Re: good dog bad dog review redux

Good Afternoon all,

It's out of lack of time that I write this response today.  I wanted to write
yesterday, but couldn't.  I'm rather kind of glad it happened that way.

I pulled up my e-mail yesterday and read the review of GDBD and that was it. 
It wasn't until today that I was able to read all the subsequent responses. 
Let me say right out of the gate that I loved the review.  :)

It was very personal, and about a subject that is dear to me--Over the Rhine. 
I came away from the reading with none of the complaints of (let's call
them)Pancella's detractors, but with a renewed vigor for the art of writing. 
See, writing is dear to me also.  I've abandoned it lately for the pursuit of
other things and put quite simply, Pancella's review made me realize that if
I'm ever to be great in my own right, I must cultivate the gifts given to me.  

I won't defend the article since Don's post and Pancella's subsequent one have
more than covered all the points I would have made.

So in closing, I just wanted to thank Angela for re-awakening my sense of
wonder about the world and my place in it.  This goes far beyond what any
criticisms, constructive or otherwise, could have uncovered--for me anyway.


Wisdom has two parts: Having a lot to say, and not saying it.--from a Dove Promise foil

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