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good dog bad dog review redux

My computer seems to have eaten my first attempt at a
response.  I will attempt to be brief just in case I'm
wrong and this shows up as a duplicate message.
Hi.  I've had the interesting experience of reading what
people thought of my Good God Bad Dog review; interesting
because apparently no one knew I would be reading their
critiques.  I appreciated the opportunity because I got to
see what people really felt, not what they'd say just to be
polite.  I'm not going to try to defend what I wrote; if it
was good it doesn't need defending, if it was bad then it
doesn't deserve defending.  But I do think I should clear
up a few misconceptions.
First of all, I'm not evangelical, and I don't lump
Thunderstruck in with a list of sites that try to put a
conservative Christian gloss on pop culture things.  I
started writing for it because I saw quotes by Anne
Lammott, G.K. Chesterton, Thomas Merton and Bono on the
home page.  I like all those people, so I felt comfortable
having my writing associated with someone who liked them
too.  I didn't write the review with an exclusively
evangelical, or even exclusively Christian, audience in
mind.  I was writing a review of an album I dearly love and
trying to explain what I love about it, and that is all.  
The story about "Latter Days": nowhere do I say that I
think that song is about the Apocalypse.  I put it on the
air that day because I thought, just based on the title, it
*might* have to do with the Apocalypse.  That was the sort
of radio programming I was engaged in those days.
"BAPM"--rhys has it right, it was a silly sidenote.  I did
not mean to imply "This song uses Biblical imagery,
therefore it is okay for you to listen to it."  In fact I
was implying nothing at all.  
The album is not new to me; it's been a favorite for years.
 I wrote the review now because I'm starting a series on
older albums that some may have overlooked.  I see no
reason why reviews should always be of brand new albums;
how can you tell with a few spins which albums will stand
the test of time?
apancella at hotmail_com
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