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Re: good dog bad dog review redux

Hello Angela. Welcome to the list! Thanks for responding  to this 

Angela Pancella wrote:

> First of all, I'm not evangelical, and I don't lump
> Thunderstruck in with a list of sites that try to put a
> conservative Christian gloss on pop culture things. 

yeah... I was really trying to say that the Thunderstuck site remimded 
me of those other sites, and of a larger trend with evangelicals more 
than that you specifically are evangelical or that it was your goal to 
do that kind of glossing.

> started writing for it because I saw quotes by Anne
> Lammott, G.K. Chesterton, Thomas Merton and Bono on the
> home page.  I like all those people, so I felt comfortable
> having my writing associated with someone who liked them
> too.  

Hey- I like all those people too! I have actually had that some 
experience - of going to a site that featured a bunch of Christians I 
admired, only to find that the site was very evangelical, so much so 
that I was turned off, but I never really thought about how that's what 
I was doing. That's actually how I stumbled on to Relevant and the Ooze 
and Re:Generation Quarterly, etc.

>I was writing a review of an album I dearly love and
> trying to explain what I love about it, and that is all.  
> The story about "Latter Days": nowhere do I say that I
> think that song is about the Apocalypse.  

Yeah, Don pointed out that I'd read too much into that, and I agreed.

>I put it on the
> air that day because I thought, just based on the title, it
> *might* have to do with the Apocalypse.  That was the sort
> of radio programming I was engaged in those days.

See, now here's where I wish you'd have put that story in the review -- 
it's interesting and provides a different resonance to the song - a sort 
of How Do Songs Fit Together in A Theme kind of resonance.

> "BAPM"--rhys has it right, it was a silly sidenote.  I did
> not mean to imply "This song uses Biblical imagery,
> therefore it is okay for you to listen to it."  In fact I
> was implying nothing at all.  

So, may I ask what you did mean by including it?

>  I see no
> reason why reviews should always be of brand new albums;
> how can you tell with a few spins which albums will stand
> the test of time?

I agree wholeheartedly.

- John

John Paul Davis
Center for Community Learning
Antioch College

Ned Flanders: Let's just agree to disagree
Principal Skinner: I don't agree to that
Mrs. Krabapple: Me neither

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