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RE: Nothing to do with Nine Inch Nails, really.

The eloquent and hilarious j.g. said:

" ,   we can surely lay off the prosyletizing by now,  can't we?
i mean,  we beat this horse to death years ago,  and we're still
whacking on
it months ago,  weeks ago,  and then yesterday,  too.    we get the
enough already.  please stop."

I also have mixed feelings about this.  I understand where Ysoie, j.g.,
and others are coming from when they express that we joined this list
for the band, not interminable theological discussions.  Though I am a
devout (if somewhat eccentric) Christian, I often go stampeding for the
delete key when I see that certain threads are showing up YET AGAIN to
re-clarify or re-hash or make some disclaimer to the effect that "I
didn't intend it to be taken that way -- that's not the way I meant it".

But the vast majority of what I have seen on here is NOT proselytizing,
it's simple discussion.  Theological discussion, yes, but I don't
remember ever reading a post from Matt or Kelvin or anyone else that has
said (or even implied) "this is what I believe, and if you don't, you
need to start because not only will you be MUCH happier being Right,
you'll also avoid eternal immolation".  If, on the other hand, I missed
it, thank God for that delete key.  I do admit, however, that some of us
of the Christo-centric persuasion don't always use language in the most
accessible fashion.  Words are wonderful, but imperfect, and they'll
often miss the mark if not aimed with superhuman precision.

I, personally, was fascinated and, yes, inspired by Ysoie's explanation
of her usage of G-d.  I think that's amazing.  I'd love to hear more of
the views and experiences of all the jews, pagans, atheists, hindus,
muslims, and whoever else may be lurking here in the Orchard.

What this list is (more than anything else) to me is a community.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of us are here because these amazing
people and their music has touched us all in a place that seems
startlingly like our soul, and we have been moved to share in and
respond in some small electro-ethereal way to that current that touches
us.  So I don't think it's that great a leap to allow and even expect
the people here to express who they are in those deep places.  My
personal view on evangelism is that it's primarily God's job.  Sure, I
need to talk about what God through Christ has done in my life, but not
in the manner of an army recruiter -- not from the stance of a sales
pitch or a self-help guru.  Those people make me sad. 

What I come back to my Outlook box for day after day is to see what
ripples are moving through that current inside all of you.  Most
recently, Ysoie's explanation of "G-d" made a pretty big "spaaaaa-lunk"
in my own waters, and I hope to have more of that happen as I continue
to wander here.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that while I'll still be making out
with my delete key when the nitpicking gets fierce, I'm also looking
forward to the honest words of wisdom that fly on the wind around here.

Heck, if it weren't for the list, I'd have no CLUE where "fuck" came


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