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Re: Nine Inch Nails

--- Christian D Lindemer <CD-Lindemer at wiu_edu> wrote:
> 1) I like Nine Inch Nails.  Do you?
Boy, do I... I went out and spent $25 I really don't have
yesterday on the limited 2-cd version of the new NIN Live
album *And All That Could Have Been*... "Still", disc two of
that new collection, has been on endless play all day.

*The Fragile* is a masterwork. it is approached like a piece
of classical music, as musical ideas are presented,
developed, and reworked, carrying musical and lyrical themes
across the entire album, nurturing the opus as an
comprehensive work, and not just a self-indulgently large
collection of music. If you buy only one NIN album...

Bradley S. Caviness, Bigwig
Bigwig Enterprises


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