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Re: Where was I??

--- rhys daily <shadow at teuton_org> wrote:
> if iw ere married, and had kids... i don't know that
> i'd want it any other
> way. at the same time, i know that my intellectual
> identity could suffer
> because of this. by not geeking out, by not
> exploring, having time to
> explore, i could stifle my mind.

Here's an interesting question...I think.  Does anyone
think that this happens to men/fathers/husbands as
well?  Do their intellectual identities ever suffer or
are their minds/dreams/plans ever stifled because they
have a family.  I think it does.
Opinions?  Thoughts?

> i thintk that there is a lot of pressure these days
> for women to 'do it
> all'. have the career. have the kids. and you can't
> do it.

Same thing here.  Provide sufficiently.  Be
emotionally supportive.  Play with the kids.  Work a
I think it's a universal conundrum.  Men want women to
be Harriet Nelson and Kathy Ireland.  Women want men
to be Alan Alda and John Wayne.
That's why I think that if we don't understand what
those "Man should be the head of the household"
passages mean - or what they DON'T mean - things can
get really whacked.

 and some women
> feel like if they don't do the career, they're
> letting down the previous
> generation.

Maybe, in some ways, they let you down.  I've been
thinking a lot recently about ways that the
generations before us have created all these
impossible expectations for us and created the lie
that if we don't fulfill them, we are letting them
down and wasting our potential.

Screw 'em, I say!  (but not to their face...)

just a thought...


Screw the whales.  
Save the subjunctive!

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