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Re: Where was I??

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 JLuvzMusyk at aol_com wrote:

> matt, in my eyes, was very disturbing when he wrote:
> << So come on somebody, suggest that two mothers would be that most ideal
> parental scenario, following that line of logic. >>

two women work.

what about mom and grama?  aunt and gramma? sister and mom? it works.
same as grandad and dad. uncle and mom, cousin joe and aunt sylvia.

sueroi aajrkjd aw psdk ha;ti . is about how i feel.

> ok, you know what?  i'm kinda traditional when it comes to all of
> this.  i want to find a man who will make enough money so that i can
> stay home and bake brownies for my children when they come home from
> school.  i admit that being a housewife...at least, during the day,

if iw ere married, and had kids... i don't know that i'd want it any other
way. at the same time, i know that my intellectual identity could suffer
because of this. by not geeking out, by not exploring, having time to
explore, i could stifle my mind.

alternative - expose my kiddoes to it too.

> appeals to me.  my friend vicky and i have discussed this, and we
> think that there is a certain group of young women who would like to
> see things revert back, at least somewhat, to the old times when women
> would, most likely, stay home with the children.

i thintk that there is a lot of pressure these days for women to 'do it
all'. have the career. have the kids. and you can't do it. and some women
feel like if they don't do the career, they're letting down the previous
generation. there is even subtle guilt from them to us that 'they fought
so hard for equal...' and then we turned it down to do something else.

> imagine loving my own children any more than i do the ones at the day
> care, but i know that i will.  it also stems from the dream that, in
> this society, my husband will have a well paying job, enough so that i
> won't *have* to work, but that i can if i want to.

yea. i'd probably code on the side. play with stuff.

> as far as the male being the head of the household, i think that major
> decisions need to be made within the boundaries of compromise.  i
> don't care how much money the man makes and how little the woman
> makes...if he wants to buy a little red sports car instead of a
> practical car that would actually be useful when transporting his
> family, i think the woman should have the power to veto that idea.


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