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Re: Where was I??

From: Don Smith:
>It is not the suggestion
>that a man could be the head of the household that makes me bristle, it's 
>the demand that he *should* be, and (b) that this is God's *intention* for 
>of us.  I don't agree with either of those two propositions.

That suggestion makes me tingle!

Last time I was at a (non-Catholic) youth service, we discussed these 
issues.  Someone pointed out that, while he was attending a SECULAR college, 
a study was done for a thesis that concluded that children are happier if 
they are raised by their mother, the more full time the better.  Now, isn't 
or the head of the household also the person who financially supports it?  
If not, shouldn't it be?  This study indicated that that role is best filled 
by the male.

So come on somebody, suggest that two mothers would be that most ideal 
parental scenario, following that line of logic.  Go on!  I can take ya all 
with one hand tied behind my back!!  Heck, tie 'em both.  I'll peck the 
rebuttal with my (rather large) nose!

Catholic to the core,

Unorthodox Matt

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