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Re: Where was I??

>From: Michael Cade:
>Oh yeah I was off of work for 2 days plus the weekend and I return to OVER
>300 emails in my box.  No wonder Matt's box crashed out.


>I think Matt (soberman - now we find he is a sober man possibly not from
>choice but because he was told he had to be)
Well, I was being goofy when I posted that, but I've never had a drop.  
(Except when I swallowed mouthwash as a child.)  I like being in control, 
and know that my personality is such that a proclivity to addiction is 
inheriant within me.  So, I don't tempt fate.  Also, I regard sobriety as a 
christian virtue.

Now that we are on the subject, and I've mentioned this to my brother 
Kelvin, does "soberman" indicate that I'm a recovering alcoholic?  A theory 
surfaced that my resumes were yeilding no results because of my e-mail addy. 
  So, I ask you guys, did you wonder that about me...

The name is merely meant to reflect my spirituality, love of comic books, 
and teetotaler status, BTW.

>Kelvo, I agree 100% that it seems like people who espouse Christianity
>and/or Christian ethics around here are the ones who get the most savage

Yes, but what does or should that tell everyone?  Go on...take it the extra 

Nah, then we'd have world war three...

>Someone wrote that something I think Matt said was a sentence thrown into a
>post just be included there.  Wake up, these are just emails, not doctrinal
>dissertations.  If people feel the need to make an outline, having a
>opening, body and conclusion with two rough drafts before posting....Get a

Too true!  Thanks for the laugh!!  :-)

Buying the drama,


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