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RE: teletery (was Re: suckburgh)

--- Michael Cade <michael.cade.liv1 at statefarm_com>
> I'm not such a TV is evil and is the devil's tool
> etc as Liesel seems to be.
> But I certainly look at most of it as a total mind
> drain.  I view it more as
> a time waste.  It seems in my life, stuff just is
> never done.  I always seem
> to be falling behjind in what needs to get done now,
> much less if I spent
> several hours a week watching TV.

oh darling michael -

i am all melo-drama.  thus the 'intellectually' evil. 
i have a 13-inch and shoot down the desire for a
larger one on a weekly basis.  tv would consume my
life if i let it but alas i want to be a 'goal
oriented person' (got that one from the career
counselor my senior year of college) and want to be
described as well read -- so i have been telling
myself the tv is evil for months now...there was a
period of time, when life sucked so badly that i
watched tv several hours a day, when the cloud began
to lift i found my skin had a funny hazy glow to it
from so much tubetime and have avoided it for the most
part like the plague ever since.  

> Just because something is intensely pleasurable
> doesn't mnean it is evil.
> My life is often filled with incredible pleasure and
> I don't think my pastor
> would call any of it wrong or evil. 

I WAS KIDDING -- no t.v. is not evil.  no scrubs will
not send me to hell.  i know this. i know this.

> Um was that a 3' ladder, 3' latte or a 3' CD of
> "Latter Days" (Hah OTR
> content)

ladder...i'm still working on that well read thing...

was writing out this response earlier and saved it as
a draft right about the time i was evacuated from work
due to a letter on my floor 'leaking' (for lack of a
better word) a white powder.

at least it was a beautiful afternoon to have off --
but now dear friends i am all for a good sitcom or
flick to occupy my mind -- this is the beautiful side
of 'evil' :) and of irony.

about to kindly regard my television,

"stories & cigarettes have ruined the lives of lesser girls"
p. yorn

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