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Re: boob tube

sorry,   i meant to add this to my list of things to reply to,  but i forgot

oh, well,  it'll make it easier to find if you use those "by thread" search


----- Original Message -----
From: Kelvin Bailey <prestokelvo at yahoo_com>
> That reminds me of when Emo Phillips mentioned
> something about going back to his hotel room and
> watching the tube...carry nutrients into his veins.
> He's a funny guy too.

isn't he a weird-o?

what the hell ever happened to emo phillips?  there he was one year,  bigger
than a stack of pancakes at The Brady,   and then like a flash in the pan,
he was gone!    personally,  i have a little theory....

you'll notice that you never see emo phillips and  bronson pinchot in the
same place at the same time.   coincidence?
i think not.

therefore i am not
np:  soundgarden  (yeah,  except it stopped.  what happened?  damn computer!
......oh,  no.  silly me .    it ended!)

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