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RE: teletery (was Re: suckburgh)

Title: RE: teletery (was Re: suckburgh)

>--- bigLight <biglight at pacbell_net> wrote:
>> Well Micahel, we might not agree on economics, but
>> we sure do agree on
>> matters relating to t.v.!

Sorry you'll be late for the Chicago show, would could have enjoyed a Starbuck's before the show together, capitalist beverage though it is ;-)

I'm not such a TV is evil and is the devil's tool etc as Liesel seems to be.  But I certainly look at most of it as a total mind drain.  I view it more as a time waste.  It seems in my life, stuff just is never done.  I always seem to be falling behjind in what needs to get done now, much less if I spent several hours a week watching TV.

>tv is intellectually evil (tlc & hc could then be
>considered a desperate attempt at moral justification
>for teletery (or telecation, any ideas for a word that
>combines either fornication or adultery &
>television?).  but i do have a slightly evil side that
>has found such joy in the new series 'scrubs'...i
>cannot help but think it may send me straight to hell,
>such is my utter pleasure in it. 

Just because something is intensely pleasurable doesn't mnean it is evil.  My life is often filled with incredible pleasure and I don't think my pastor would call any of it wrong or evil.

good god the implications may
>rival those of everyone in the united states jumping
>from a 3 foot latter at the same time on a wednesday
>afternoon -- it would rock my world.
Um was that a 3' ladder, 3' latte or a 3' CD of "Latter Days" (Hah OTR content)

Rock on
