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Re: teletery (was Re: suckburgh)

Michael Cade wrote:

>  >--- bigLight <biglight at pacbell_net> wrote:

> Sorry you'll be late for the Chicago show, would could have enjoyed a 
> Starbuck's before the show together, capitalist beverage though it is ;-)

There isn't a proletariat coffee shop near Schuba's? ;) Southport 
People's Coffee? Mugs with red stars on them... In the summer they sell 
the Che Frappe...

> I'm not such a TV is evil and is the devil's tool etc as Liesel seems to 
> be.  But I certainly look at most of it as a total mind drain.  I view 
> it more as a time waste.  It seems in my life, stuff just is never 
> done.  I always seem to be falling behjind in what needs to get done 
> now, much less if I spent several hours a week watching TV.

Yeah, I'm not so sure it's *evil* so much as *unhealthy.* As funny as 
some t.v. shows are, I just think it's healthier to have *real* friends 
as opposed to Must See TV Friends...

Ever since I gave up the boob tube, I haven't missed it at all. My wife and I read books and snuggle.

We eat dinner together and converse. When we want to watch something, we'll rent a film 

( I just saw 'Citizen Kane" for the first time ever... so good!)

But usually we don't watch anything at all... and I do have so much m 
ore time to have my real life rather than watching someone have a life 
for me.

Ever since I quite watching t.v., I've not had that feeling of 
embarrasment of watching someone make an idiot of themselves b/c they 
weren't honest, or were trying, without cause, to "save someone's 
feelings," or to impress someone.


np- John Lennon: Ascot


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