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RE: teletery (was Re: suckburgh)

Oh MY gosh, let me say this again OH MY GOSH!  Where would I be w/o
Television?  Growing up with Sesame Street/Electric Company/Zoom???
Continuing through "Magnum PI" and head held in shame "Saved by the Bell" to
"The Practice" and "Boston Public" and "ER".  I believe in real life
friendships also, but, only if they are watching tv with me. ;)  And I am
not even talking about my morning SportsCenter fixes (this is my caffeine)
to get me going.  "Scrubs" is a HILARIOUS new show.  I believe that there is
a time in your week where you need to have a "total mind drain".  Just to
sit back and watch Ross say "PIVOT, PIVOT, PIVOT!" (come on people brain
candy is good)....and don't even get me into "The Simpson's" (a wonderful
satire on our culture).  Okay...I am stepping off my soapbox now and getting
my VCR+ ready for tonight. lol


np -- City on a Hill

I'm not such a TV is evil and is the devil's tool etc as Liesel seems to be.
But I certainly look at most of it as a total mind drain.  I view it more as
a time waste.  It seems in my life, stuff just is never done.  I always seem
to be falling behind in what needs to get done now, much less if I spent
several hours a week watching TV.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bethany Keeley [mailto:blk4 at calvin_edu]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 12:31 PM
To: Michael Cade
Cc: Over-the-Rhine at actwin_com
Subject: Re: teletery (was Re: suckburgh)

Michael Cade wrote:

> I'm not such a TV is evil and is the devil's tool etc as Liesel seems
> to be.  But I certainly look at most of it as a total mind drain.  I
> view it more as a time waste.  It seems in my life, stuff just is
> never done.  I always seem to be falling behjind in what needs to get
> done now, much less if I spent several hours a week watching TV.

I'm with you here -- I don't have a TV in my room though, so it's not
such a temptation now.  I do have the weekly west wing viewing though.
Ah, Rob Lowe.  I don't always agree with the politics, but the writing
on that show is so clever.  And I like Rob Lowe.

> good god the implications may
> >rival those of everyone in the united states jumping
> >from a 3 foot latter at the same time on a wednesday
> >afternoon -- it would rock my world.
> >
> Um was that a 3' ladder, 3' latte or a 3' CD of "Latter Days" (Hah OTR
> content)

Would that be a tall latte?  Indeed.

> Rock on

np: Cindy Morgan - Elementary (an eclectic album if I ever heard one.
Still not sure what to think of it)

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