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Re: jesus and mary chain/hope sandoval


amanda sez:
> i loooove that song. isn't that one where it goes, you
> went away you can't come baa aa aaa ack.

yeah.  you can practically hear the sheep in the background,  can't you?
even better  with headphones.

but yeah,  ding ding ding ding ding,  give that girl a prize.    johnny,
tell her what she's won.

seems to me that  "you went away, you can't come back"  is pretty good
relationship advice.  i'm all for it.   but i know people  (i'm even related
to one)  who took the other fork in the road,   and life seems to be pretty
good for them,  too.   so......   so what?   whatever works for you, i
guess.  don't get your philosophy from lo-fi alternabands,  maybe is the
moral for today.    ('course it could be that you weren't really looking for
a morality lesson.)

> heheh i don't
> even know what the question was. heheh

someone asked the trivia qwestion  "what was the single that hope sandoval
(of mazzy star)  made with the jesus and mary chain"    and even though you
didn't know the qwestion,  you knew the lyrics of the answer,  so,  you
know,  big points for you and maybe a little halo over your head, too,  what
the hell.   yay, you.    (not the kind of halo they have to pin in your
skull when you break your neck,  but the golden, glowy kind oft seen in

and apologies to the anonymous  "someone" mentioned above.   chime in,  say
"that was me,  that was me!!  i want credit!"   i just had it deleted and
then suddenly i remembered i hadn't seen the answer.


janet jackson and marriage:    yeah.   i'm fine with that.
sela ward and marriage:         oh, yeah!!   i'm even more finer!
renegade mormonism and sela ~and~ janet and marriage:   now you're talking.
do you think they'd get along?


sela ward:   reason enough for all you  "i don't own a television" people to
reconsider.   especially when she's flying around on wires in some warehouse
tempting you to switch to mci telecom.
(yeah, i know she's got a show.  it ain't on my list.   just give me those

and then there's my least favourite charmed sister  (even including the new
one,  rose)  pitching 1-800-collect.    she's no sela ward,  but if the
comparison is,  say,  carrot toupe',  she's not bad.   and you gotta hand it
to her,   she looks good in leather.

credit where credit is due:  carrot top has nice arms.


i saw a  ~chevy~  nova today!!!!!    wooty woot!


db:  "she's your least favourite?    including rose?   eech!  ~she's~

the other day cheers went up from M's side of the bed when it appeared we
were gonna lose  Fred.  then a little later on cheers arose from my side,
when Fred came back to stay.  i'm kinda hot for Fred.   db's  not,


my download took a lot longer than that.   time to dump cable,  get DSL?
maybe i should call  sela ward,  see if she can hook me up?


no, i'll not be at the taft show.    made db  a promise this year that i
wouldn't follow the band around like a modern day deadhead,   and while i
generally suck hard concerning all promises made,   i've been pretty good
with this one.  so,   no cincinnati trips.   drugstore will have to wait a
little while longer.   maybe you could burn me a copy?


there's something about the little hardware stores,  the little privately
owned coffeshops,   the booklover-run bookstore that is worth more than the
zorro-masked happy face    ( hahaha,  teeveefree people,  you don't get the
reference!)  slashing 70 cents off a bottle of dishwashing liquid,   or 8
bucks off a kitchenaid mixer.   and sure, i like wal- and k-mart as much as
the next guy,  and i shop there too,  but i know i'm gonna be sorry when the
lady who sells pool chemicals and actually has a full size pool set up in
her tiny little store off the circle goes out of business.  i bought, but
maybe i didn't buy enough.    what will i miss more,   the nice pool lady,
or wal mart?      i'll miss the pool lady.   i won't miss wal mart;  someone
will build another wal mart   (fenc-mart?)  soon enough.   and who do you
~know~  at wal mart?     maybe the greeter?    everyone else is different
each day or each shift.    small-town-america is what  everyone wants to run
back to sooner or later.   learn early.     patronize the little guys.
it's only money,  you'll make more.


sela ward.

just wanted to do that again.


(not that i ever  "did"  sela ward)
np:  soundgarden  __the    a    sides__

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