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Re: a question of meaning


----- Original Message -----
From: "bigLight" <biglight at pacbell_net>

> So you're reading the lyric to be directed towards Isaac... hmmmm...
> interesting thought. I'd assumed it was directed towards Abraham, since
> when people usually mention the story, they bring up how Isaac was
> Jehovah's promised son, for whom Abe had waited 25 years, and that
> Jehovah's request for Abe to sacrifice him was really just a big lesson
> to teach Abe not to hold on to things too tightly, a lesson old Abe
> needed to learn,

Yep, to me it's just  a matter of good writing.  Have you ever taken a poetry
class.  The best poetry evokes the strongest emotions with just a few words.
If you explain things too much, you lose that.

>Merton stressed the putting away of the false
> self quite a bit in his book "New Seeds of Contemplation."

I think this is a principle taught  in psychology today.  Didn't Lecky and/or
Rogers consider the incongruence of self and experience?

> I'm going to be picky and object here: b/c it's from Psalm 103, I
> personally don't consider the reference to be about Christ, but about
> Jehovah...

I like to think we're all God's children.  And was it Michael who said what
applies to Israel can apply to others too?

> Which reminds me: every time I read your email address, I hear "The
> Black Rider" in my head.

LOL,  I was about to tell you that every time I see yours, I think of this
Bon Jovi Lyric.  something about a "big light in the sky"


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