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Re: a question of meaning

--- bigLight <biglight at pacbell_net> wrote:
> 	Not my cup o' tea. I don't read the Old Testament
> with the idea 	that 
> things like the Pslams were written as prophecies of
> 		Christ. That's an 
> interperative decision which is not necessarily
> supported by evidence 
> from the text.

Read it how you will, but consider Psalm 110 and 22
(particularly verses 16-18 : a pretty clear diepiction
of Christ on the cross).

I'm not saying that the writer consciously wrote what
he knew to be prophecy.  He was not a prophet in the
order of Jeremiah or Daniel.  But there are clearly
passages in the Psalms that point toward Christ.

 I definitely see how the
> early Christians 
> largely saw themselves as reforming Judaism, not
> starting their own 
> religion,

I don't think it's really accurate to say "reforming
Judaism".  I think most Christians would see it more
like fulfilling Judaism.  But then again, I might be
arguing semantics.  I think a Jewish perspective on
this particular point would be interesting.

Anyway...don't want to perpetuate one of THOSE


...like a mad dog on the far side of Dante's door.

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