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Re: Re: a question of meaning

Not presumptuous, but answering for Ysoi if I may.  Please correct me if I'm

But if you have to ask, you don't get it (which means you're lucky!).  When I
saw that one word reply, it packed more power than a thousand
one-thousand-word-sentences.  And maybe you're just asking for conversation's
sake or the need to discuss some things over the rhine related.  I can dig
that.  I also just thought that "one word" said it all for me.  However, if
someone feels the need to discuss--by all means do.

funny, I've been dying for one of these song exposition threads to catch fire
and now I'm throwing my own water on it!

(how do you spell a long exhale?)


>the poison of yesterday is regret?
> hmm, im not completely sold. might you
explain it?

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