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Re: dizzing nights and eventful days...

--- JLuvzMusyk at aol_com wrote:
> > 
> hey, does anyone else have problems talking to
> linford and karin?  they 
> intelligence and language skills far outweigh mine,
> and i'm so afraid to 
> sound like a bumbling idiot around them!  

Yes!  All the time!  I fear being lumped in with all
the "I'm your biggest fan" types.  I don't want to
appear fawning or stupid, so I just smile and say
thanks and move on.
When they were in Louisville, I actually found myself
wondering if they would recognize my name if I
introduced myself.  Linford obviously reads the list
form time to time and I don't have a very common name.
But...I didn't want to be disappointed so I didn't
even try.


Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
Charly: "No. What?"
Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."

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