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Re: No, not kidding

I just feel the need to say, as a committed, Bible-believing Christian, 
that W.S. does NOT speak for me.  The thought of some of these comments 
being made in the name of Christ makes me want to vomit, and tempts me to 
leave the list.  I won't, because I love the people on here (though I don't 
say much), and I've found some amazing new music through y'all, and most of 
all because I believe in the band and they move me.  I'd like to 
respectfully ask W.S. to rebut any arguments he feels he needs to in 
private, off the list, as I think anything between friends should be 
done.  You have a problem with your friend, you don't chew him out for it 
in a crowded room full of other people.  That just makes everyone 
uncomfortable.  The same goes for people who want to verbally pound WS's 
(or anyone else's) head in.

I'll just go back to lurking now.


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