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Re: No, not kidding

I don't know how to "reply" to messages. I don't have the internet. I
don't know wether to respond to the list or individuals. Obviouly it must
be going out to everyone. Sorry.


On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 21:22:10 -0500 Jeff Ostrom <jostrom at mn_rr.com>
>I just feel the need to say, as a committed, Bible-believing 
>that W.S. does NOT speak for me.  The thought of some of these 
>being made in the name of Christ makes me want to vomit, and tempts me 
>leave the list.  I won't, because I love the people on here (though I 
>say much), and I've found some amazing new music through y'all, and 
>most of 
>all because I believe in the band and they move me.  I'd like to 
>respectfully ask W.S. to rebut any arguments he feels he needs to in 
>private, off the list, as I think anything between friends should be 
>done.  You have a problem with your friend, you don't chew him out for 
>in a crowded room full of other people.  That just makes everyone 
>uncomfortable.  The same goes for people who want to verbally pound 
>(or anyone else's) head in.
>I'll just go back to lurking now.
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