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Thinking out loud

For a few years, I have actively participated in a few list and message 
boards. Approximately two months ago, I signed up for the OTR list excited to 
hear from others who share an appreciation for their music and possibly learn 
about other interesting bands and artist through the participants. I have 
enjoyed reading many of the post -- some have made me laugh out loud -- and a 
few have made me very sad. Since I am new to this community, I have spent the 
majority of my time lurking in order to get a feel for the climate. For the 
second time in the short time I have been here, I am considering if this is a 
neighborhood I want to hang out in. My thoughts to pack up and leave have 
been fueled by only a few people but those people have made sure they have 
been *loud* enough to be heard. 

A few thoughts:

David (Peace and veggies) so sweetly welcomed me to the list. He made me feel 
comfortable enough to drop in on the party without feeling like a true 
outsider. Thanks!

The post by Chris (?) brought tears to my eyes as I was searching frantically 
for my sister who works in the Pentagon area and another relative who was 
unaccounted for in New York on Sept 11th. I quickly blocked all of his 
incoming messages because I did not want that kind of ignorance added to my 
already heightened emotional state. 

Now post as offensive, IMO, are being sent to the list by WS. Do you even 
hear how you sound with words like: 
"Racial profiling is a made up word by the liberal media. It
should more rightly be called "Deductive Reasoning", OR "Process of
Elimination." There's nothing to bitch about here. If you get brought in
because you have yellow skin and you didn't do anything, our guys aren't
going to torture them, they'll be fine." 

*Who* are *"our guys"*!! 

In your mind, why is it OK to assume the intent of another human based upon 
skin color? Are we to round up all the brown and yellow people the same way 
America did the Japanese in the not too distant past and lock them away while 
this latest war is being fought?

I have found each of your post highly inflammatory, prejudiced, and hateful! 
Seeing the word "rag-head" in your post stunned me! I was angry but decided 
to stop before submitting a response. When I was ready to so, others had 
answered already and I didn't think there was anything else I could add to 
what they had said so well. But as I'm writing this, I doubt you 'get 
it'.......even if I was as eloquent in speech as Ysoie, Linford, and some of 
the others here, I doubt you would take the time to truly listen to what's 
being said. You haven't even digested the fact that EVERYTHING that's written 
here reflects upon Karin, Linford, Wade, Stacy, all those associated with the 
band...even their supporters! The stain of prejudice -- name calling -- is 
not something I wish to be associated with.

I refuse to listen to racial jokes, and racist rhetoric in my face-to-face 
contacts, and I do not desire to be forced to listen to it in my 
cyber-relationships. That said, I am trying to decide if this is where I want 
to be. I am torn between desiring the company of the people I know here in 
name only and protecting my heart. Right now, this doesn't seem like a safe 
place. I'm scared each time I open my mail I'll step on a land mine --.

Sorry for the rambling. I'm just thinking out loud.

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