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RE: No, not kidding!

oh man, i am SO over that discussion.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com
[mailto:owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com]On Behalf Of W. S.
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 4:34 PM
To: over-the-rhine at actwin_com
Subject: No, not kidding!

>Do you realize how offensive the term "rag heads" is?  We should be
above using derogatory language when we refer to other people.  By the
way we can route them with military might and they can still carry out
covert terrorist actions.  Terrorists exist in every country and they
seem to be quite angry at this moment.  That said I still think some kind
of limited military strike is warrented.  Bomb the terrorist camps and
their military installations.

++++    I don't think they're that touchy. Have you heard what they call
us? Do you come from british descent, do you think wars should be fought
with manners? You know what happened to the british don't you?

>RACIAL PROFILING IS NEVER OK.  When the only basis for checking or
stopping someone is their race we lose the thing that makes this 
>country great - freedom.  I find it amusing that most people who find
racial profiling to be OK tend to be white, middle class Americans. 
Their OK with it because they are not the ones stopped based on race.  If
all white men were stopped after Tim McVeigh carried out his act you
would probably be up in arms.

++++    Racial profiling is a made up word by the liberal media. It
should more rightly be called "Deductive Reasoning", OR "Process of
	There's nothing to bitch about here. If you get brought in
because you have yellow skin and you didn't do anything, our guys aren't
going to torture them, they'll be fine.
	I can't even imagine them minding. If I was a muslim I'd want to
do everything I could to help. Authorities looking for culprits don't
need complaining.
	All the media did was ad "Racial" to the term profiling to make
it sound evil. Yet profiling goes on every day and ALWAYS will and I'm
glad it does. Profiling IS police work. It's common everyday police work.
Knowing the race, and the religion of your suspect is just good police
work and it further narrows the field. You absolutely suffer from the
hugest case of silliness if you legitamately expect profiling to cease,
	If you are a store owner and a BLACK man robs you at gun point,
yet you can't see his face, when you relay the information to the police
are you going to say a man, or an American robbed me?
	Or will you tell the police that a BLACK man held me up, so that
the police stay on the case and don't have a bigger pool of suspects to
wade through.
	I think you'll say Black man, because you really want the case
solved, maybe you don't, just want to play games and semantics at this
	Wake up and smell the coffee, you've been taken for a ride by the
socialist media brigade. Elevate your knowledge once more my friend and
learn to sniff out the half truths and word manipulations.
	Not even the press is crying foul, yet look at the men in
custody, all of a certain race and age and religion.
	If it weren't for profiling, we wouldn't be this far. 


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