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Re: Falwell and Robertson blame gays and liberals for WTC Attack

yOn Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Kelvin Bailey wrote:

> 1) As one would expect, these words have been taken out of context,
> exaggerated, and sensationalized to create an agenda-driven news story
> when it really isn't news.

while this is true, and so are the rest of your well-worded statements, i
still have a problem with what seems to be the root of these statements.

yes, God punishes evil and sin. i don't disagree.

i just have a problem with people who feel that america deserves
protection from God.

or that america somehow has that special protection.

many of the colonists that came to america identified strongly with the
israelites and viewed america as the promised land. something about
manifest destiny.

> neck on the chopping block...

not chopping. (:


go away, or i will replace you with a very small shell script.

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