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Re: Falwell and Robertson blame gays and liberals for WTC Attack

1) As one would expect, these words have been taken
out of context, exaggerated, and sensationalized to
create an agenda-driven news story when it really
isn't news.

2) There are a lot of people who agree with at least
the root of what they are saying.  Without agreeing or
disagreeing on what is or isn't a sin, I firmly
believe that we as a nation can no longer claim
innocence or righteousness or anything else like that.
 God punishes sin.  Period.  I don't believe for a
moment they were holding these groups of people
directly responsible for this tragedy.  They were (in
their own misguided way) giving examples of the kinds
of sins condoned and promoted by our society that
makes God angry.
(Funny how a lot of the people who are all up in arms
about Patty & Jimmie's remarks are the same ones who
said James Dobson and other conservative Christians
caused the death of Matthew Shepard.)

3) Nonetheless, this was NOT the time to be making
comments such as the ones they made.  I think they
acted unwisely and will hopefully learn from this.

neck on the chopping block...

Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
Charly: "No. What?"
Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."

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