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Re: Re: Readings

--- Ysobelle at aol_com wrote:
> Newsflash, Kelvin: not everyone thinks Dubya won
> fair and square. And he 
> _did_ declare himself President before the furor had
> ever even begun to 
> be sorted. And posession being nine-tenths of the
> law, there wasn't much 
> anyone could do about it. So you might not like
> Don's comment, but a lot 
> of us don't like the President.

Newsflash, Ysoie and all: There are way to many who
would rather accept and repeat a whiny mantra than
look at the facts.  Recount after recount (by Dems and
Repubs) indicate that Bush would have won the recount
Gore was whining about.  Study after study (by Dems
and Repubs) show that if the Florida "results" hadn't
been announced before the polls closed, Bush would
have easily picked up another 10,000 to 20,000 votes. 
We all know the extent to which the Gore camp went to
discount military absentee votes (and high fiving each
other when they eliminated them.) All the stories
about voters being "disenfranchised" have been
categorically disproven.  Florida's Secretary of State
made the only ruling she could have made - based on
Florida state law - and then suffered a Democratic
Party-led smear campaign.  Ultimately her decision was
upheld by the United States Supreme Court who DID NOT
appoint a president but merely upheld the right of a
Florida state official to enforce a law.  Gore stated
very early on in the campaign that he would "do
anything to win."   That says it all.

I don't think W is the best president we've ever had
(although I believe Gore would possible have been the
worst) but I think it's time to put all this "Bush
stole the election" crap to rest.

Not that I want to have this discussion...

currently everybody's enemy,

Willy Wonka: "You know what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted?"
Charly: "No. What?"
Willy Wonka: "He lived happily ever after."

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