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presidential debate (was re: readings)

In a message dated 9/5/2001 8:48:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
prestokelvo at yahoo_com writes:

> I don't think W is the best president we've ever had
>  (although I believe Gore would possible have been the
>  worst) but I think it's time to put all this "Bush
>  stole the election" crap to rest.

hi kids!

i think they both suck, and that was proven in a fight for the top that took 
WAY too long.  ha ha ha...look at the americans!  they think they can run the 
world but can't even figure out who their president is!


i agree with whoever it was that said one candidate was 40% evil and the 
other one 51% evil.  although i think they were both the SAME amount of evil.

and i never talked about the election when it happened (i voted for gore to 
NEGATE my fiance's vote for bush), so i'm throwing my two cents in now.  :)

kelvo, we don't hate you any more than we did before.  *wink*  promise.  :)

happy wednesday everyone!

*hugz and kisses*
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