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re: readings

mr. harnish brings gets new music like some people get
the newspaper. even as I type this, I am downloading
something he requested for the vast mp3 collection.
having said this, to list what one is currently
listening to proves an arduous endevour. I'll try

Sixteen Horsepower - Secret South
Radiohead - the Bends
          - Amnesiac
          - Kid A
Dead Can Dance
Loreena McKennit - Mask and the Mirror
Combustible Edison
Delerium - Karma
A Tiki Lounge Exotica Compliation
Bauhaus - The Sky's Gone Out

if I had to pack only a few discs for a very long
trip, I would probably select one or two "comfort
discs" that I tend to listen to excessively and then
select one or two very complex discs. by complex, I
mean something that is perplexing enough musically
that I could listen to it repeatedly without
completely discovering what's there. Radiohead or
Muslimgauze would fit that bill.

where reading is concerned, I treat books like a
buffet bar. lately, I have had the wretched curse of
falling asleep shortly after I beginning to read it. I
have been looking at a lot of books. I have scattered
like leaves about the sofa several cookbooks, several
artbooks, a couple of william wegman books, and one
book I might be able to read : Other Voices, Other
vistas. a collection of short stories from around the
globe by famous writers like Isabella Allende and
Chinua Achebe.


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