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Re: Canal St.

In a message dated 4/24/01 9:27:45 AM, prestokelvo at yahoo_com writes:

<< If you're a net nazi, maybe I'm a net anarchist! ;) >>

it's about net people
going to net extremes
over net politics.
it's... *bum bum bum*
(saturday mornings on [insert cable station here], check local listings for 

otr content: having listened to otr for all of march and much of april, i've 
had to give it a break.  in their place i have been spinning such goodness as 
delerium, ben harper live, adorable, the moon seven times, vast, and (ooh 
ooh, favorite local ex-band coming up:) smell of wonder.  have a nice day.
*bleep bloop*
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