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Re: Just saw OtR for the first time!!

On Sun, 22 Apr 2001, jorge moreno wrote:
hola jorge,

> Hello, My name is Jorge.  Two nights ago, I had the privilege to see
> OtR for the first time.  I am only a new fan ( 3-4 weeks), and have
> been so inspired by them.
> Tonight I am in a state of confusion.  I am searching for a TRUTH, one
> that has eluded me the past thirty years.  The inspiration from one of
> there songs, sheer poetry, brings me here tonight to write.  A line in
> one of their albums says that courage is a tool to use to live a life
> that you can't refuse.  In my life I have lacked this thing called
> courage, yet I am on my quest to find it.

i've never been entirley convinced that courage is something you find.

sometimes someone says to me 'you're so brave to go and visit your grandad
while he's dying.'  or 'that was brave of you to confront so-an-so about

courage is not really the issue - it's not something i've ever found... i
just keep living and trying to do what's right. every now and then i'm
surprised by what looks like courage.

it's not courage that makes me go see grandaddy. it's love? i don't have a
choice - you don't choose to not see someone who's dying because you're
scared. it doesn't scare me to see him, it scares me to see grama so

i know it might sound trite, and i'm not claiming i'm right.  maybe
courage stems from integrity and desiring to do what's right..  and the
scariest thing is to have a reputation of integrity.

> OtR is a band that I sense searches for truth, and the truth they do
> find they share.  If the above statement is a truth, then how do I use
> this courage in my life?  How do I find my truth and share it?

i don't know. i'm not sure i've ever 'found a truth', they don't usually
smack me in the head and say 'ta da! here i am, a truth!', usually it's a
slow realisation of something after wrestling for days/weeks/months/ even
years over something. other times, i feel like i just wake up and
something is very very clear.  truth doesn't by nature reside especially
in any one place (except for the bible for sure), and can be found
anywhere.  nobody has the market on truth, and so i don't seek truth for
necessarily in a specific spot.  maybe i'm too simplistic.

> I am so tired and fed up with "Christian" artists.  I don't know how
> to deal with the feeling that there is more of a market to "sell" the
> Gospel, and not neccesarily to be artists.

due to pressure from once-well-meaning religious folg, i guess. there's a
place for both. just like there are times for journal entries and times
for books.  they're different areas.

i would say that there is value in friends because they don't beleive
exactly evertying that you do - that sharpens you and ....

i'm pretty satisfied with just a few truths to base my life's stability
on, then i've others that i don't base my life on, but i do have for an
understanding of the way the world works.

i ran out of thoughts.  truth is not some great quest, how many truths
does one need to be happy or at peace or fulfilled?


If you've done six impossible things before breakfast, why not round it off
with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

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