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Re: chanting monks?

On Sun, 1 Apr 2001, D. Yinger wrote:

> I'm spilling some words out to you all... which i don't do that often
> at all so i guess i could say (as everyone else does) I'm de-lurking.

hello, then - wipe the cobwebs from your keyboard and join us.

> Also, in the very beginning seconds of "Give Me Strength" there are
> some monks or something chanting and clapping. As i was listening to
> it in my car this afternoon I was wondering, why? It seems a bit out
> of place and in no way have any connection with the song.  just a
> thought. well, that's all i have to say.

i absolutely loved that part - 

funny you picture monks... anyone else? they were the furtehrest from my
mind - it was:

a fire in the desert, mountain shadows reversed agaisnt the sky. it was
feathered heads, strange faces masked by paint and ritual. it was
rainmakers dancing in concert with the flames, and thousands of eyes
glinting in the dark.  perhaps they were singing down the moon and
communing with spirits. it's a middle-world kind of thing.

it was the past colliding with a now.

it was my past blending with my now.
it was your past perhaps in some dim-ancestor way.

i think spring has bewitched me.

and now it is time to stop.


If you've done six impossible things before breakfast, why not round it off
with dinner at Milliway's, the restaurant at the end of the universe.

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