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RE: suggestions, please...

You guys are too brainy for me! :-)
 These are books that i grew up with that i just *adore*

The Neverending Story
Michael Ende

I particularly like how each chapter begins with an ornate letter of the
alphabet. I'm sorry to say that when I was younger and rebellious, i got
inspired by the movie and stole it from the Library. :-(   Later on, when i
got married, I bought it for my wife.

Michael Ende
This one curteousy of Rose Polenzani (on tour with OtR)
To quote her:
"Momo is a children's novel by Michael Ende, author of The Neverending
Story. It is my favorite book. Although it contains incredibly poignant and
helpful messages about today's society, it is out of print in the US. For
this reason, I spent a summer typing the book into my computer, hoping to
share it with a new audience"

The Princess and the Goblin
George MacDonald

I love this book, it got me started reading when i was young.

The Rainbow Goblins
Ul Del Rico

The pictures alone are worth buying the book for. I remember, they didn't
print alot of these at first because it was so expensive to get them
printed. I had a hard time tracking it down initially. This was
pre-internet, i actually tracked it down to the gradeschool in the town that
i grew up in, and then went from there to Powell's where they special
ordered a copy for me. Now of course, you can get it on Amazon. Oh sure, you
can order old books online, but do you think they'll ever bring "The Pirate
Movie" to DVD? yeah right. :-)


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From: owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com
[mailto:owner-over-the-rhine at actwin_com]On Behalf Of Don Smith
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:52 AM
To: Over the Rhine List
Subject: Re: suggestions, please...

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