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Re: FnP Push

In a message dated 3/13/01 8:47:26 PM Central Standard Time, 
prestokelvo at yahoo_com writes:

<< hristians do love to find folks in the mainstream
 world who are Christian.  Why?  I think it doesn't
 have to do so much with ligitimizing their
 Christianity as it does ligitimizing their choice of
 what they will watch, hear, buy, etc.  
 See, some of us were brought up to believe that rock
 and roll was evil, was of the devil.  Others are
 taught that rock and roll in itself is not so bad, as
 long as it is "Christian" rock.  Well if said person
 can offer proof that Creed or whoever are Christians,
 whammo! - they get to listen to what all their cool
 pagan friends are listening to, and Mamma and Preacher
 Bob won't mind. >>

Maybe that idea holds for teenagers but
personally, for me -- it's more about finding like minds amidst all the 
voices babbling about this or that out there. Someone like Cockburn says a 
lot more that I'm interested in, speaks to *me* IOW,  more than someone who 
perhaps never thinks on spiritual things.(or at least not enough for it to 
color his words) They don't have to nessesarily be Christian, just in tune 
with the idea that there is something beyond the veil, that some things are 
important enough to fight for for reasons beyond just personal comfort or the 
greater good yada yada yada. I could give a shit what momma or preacher man 
says but at the same time I'd hope they to (especially PM) would come to see 
the good work that is being done. Besides, if truth is being spoken that, in 
itself, makes it legitimate whether an artist is Christian or not. Music is a 
gift man, I think we forget that sometimes. Even the most ornery atheist, if 
he can make music, that's God, whatever he/she thinks about it.
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